It’ll be tiring, you’ll certainly work up a sweat, but as long as you’re moderately fit you’ll be just fine.
Students need to be at least 16 years old (for insurance), but there’s certainly no upper limit.
We provide all students with a health & safety briefing and PPE (ear and eye protection) before any activity in the forge.
While we do everything we can to minimise unnecessary risk, you are required to handle hot metal. It’s blacksmithing - there’s gonna be some risk.
Yes. To ensure a high standard of teaching and a safe, efficient work environment, most Classes are limited to a maximum of four students.
All Classes require a minimum of two students to run.
Unless we decide otherwise, Saturday Classes will run only with a full complement of four students.
Advanced Classes are limited to a maximum of two students.
Classes run most Fridays and Saturdays - check availability here.
We can also run Bespoke Group Classes on other weekdays by agreement - please get in touch to discuss.
Classes normally run from 9:30am to 5:30pm, breaking for lunch around 12.30pm.
Yes, definitely, and an afternoon snack too.
Non-synthetic clothing and a sturdy pair of (ideally steel toe capped) leather boots.
For safety reasons, long hair must be tied back when in the forge.
We’ve recently installed composting toilet - a Thunderbox 3000, no less! - with solar powered ventilation.
As you’d expect, it gets pretty hot in the forge so keeping hydrated is very important.
While we do provide tea, coffee and diluting juice, you may want to bring a drink to keep beside your workstation.
We get it, things change. Don’t worry, we just ask for as much notice as possible. Find all the details here.
You can find all the details right here.
Just ask, we’re here to help.